
JACET北海道支部は大学英語教育学会(JACET)を構成する北海道における支部組織で所属支部会員は百数十名にのぼります。毎年7月に開催される支部大会、年3回から4回開催される研究会(講演会などを含む)、『Research Bulletin of English Teaching』の刊行、など20年以上にわたって研究会活動を積極的に行っています。


日時: 2011年 6月4日(土) 午後1時30分~午後2時30分
場所: 藤女子大学(16条キャンパス)

JACET北海道支部でも、昨年より英語での研究発表が続いています。意欲的な試みと思います。研究会参加者も増加している印象を持っています。会員の切磋琢磨の場としてますます盛況になるよう祈念しています。 (U.Y.)

What is the JET Program really doing?: The research on the roles of teachers in Hokkaido
  中津川 雅宣(小樽商科大学)
 要旨In order to meet current demands of international trends, the Japan Exchange and Teaching Program (JET Program) has played an important role by importing “internationalization” into actual classrooms in an EFL country since 1987 (McConnel, 2000).
This study drew from a teacher-based perception of the Japanese Teachers of English (JTEs) and Assistant Language Teachers (ALTs) roles, and it illustrated how both JTEs and ALTs act locally in the globalized/globalizing classroom while negotiating the governmental expectations for the JET program. Following the examples set by ethnographic research conducted in language teaching environments (e.g., Watson-Gegeo, 1988), classroom fieldworks were conducted at three high schools in Hokkaido from May to August in 2010.
The findings showed that the macro-level expected roles from the policies were not always directly projected onto the micro-level perceived roles. In addition to this, through the classroom observations, this study revealed the perceived roles of JTEs and ALTs are negotiated in the classrooms.
Those findings of the negotiation of roles in the classrooms led to the conclusions that the power of JTEs and ALTs is not something those teachers have a priori, but was negotiated through the interactions of JTEs and ALTs in the actual classrooms.
The participants in this session will leave with tips on how secondary school students perceive teachers’ roles (either Japanese or native English speaking teachers) in the classrooms.

2)   実践報告
  河合 靖(北海道大学)
